hair removal 

She says she lives for, oh just read it. Hi, I’m glad you live for hair removal because I need another set of hands for some of the ones in my ear. Don’t judge me. Awkward start? Cheers, Anthony You try removing ear hair on your own. My depth perception gets all cloudy.

escape plan 

She is planning to escape from cubicle land. Hi, I can help you escape from cubicle life. There are a number of options and all of them depend on your personal style. The juvenile: Do a couple of bong hits at your desk. The brazen: Move into someone’s office. When they come back say to […]

the spark 

She knows that instant chemistry is rare. Hi, It is rare to find that instant spark. I partly blame the cookie cutter approach to the dates that come out of this site. Here is what I propose, let’s not meet for drinks at some place where both of us have a direct sight line to […]

don’t panic 

She’s good at staying calm when all the flights have been canceled. Hello, I never understood panic in an airport. Or panic in general. You can’t do anything about it. Unless it’s in your mouth. In Japan I once ate what I am convinced was a cube of salted whale blubber. I didn’t order it […]

Her mistake 

She contacted me. I didn’t even browse her profile. HA – enjoyed your profile. Well done sir. I had to write back. From her photos she seemed normal. She had a photo of hiking the Inca trail. Glad you liked it. I hired the stepson of Kurt Vonnegut’s dentists gardner to write it. When he […]