online dating letter #66 

She wants to travel, doesn’t take her self too seriously, blah, blah, blah Hi, I’m serious about not taking myself seriously. And I don’t like adverbs. Investing in travel is a smart plan. One year I spent close to two solid weeks on a plane. Couldn’t believe it took the cleaning staff that long to […]

online dating letter #65 

She doesn’t want to date a man that screams like a girl. Hi, Screaming like a girl is fine. I came close to ramming a gator in the eye with a kayak. I screamed like a girl. Well, if that girl had a silent scream that resembled panic breaths. The gator hadn’t spotted me yet […]

online dating letter #64 

She mentioned that she showers naked. Hi, I used to shower naked, but I hate doing laundry. Tide is a great detergent but a shitty shampoo. Do you know your way around a kitchen or are you looking for a chef? Cheers, Anthony Wash. Rinse. She never replied.

You and you’re 

There is a deep obsession among a large percentage of women that insist that their potential suitors have a grasp of 3rd grade grammar. A least 83% of the profiles we’ve surveyed contain something similar to: Must know the difference between your and you’re. The staff at OK Stupid know the difference. The difference is that if […]

online dating letter #63 

She’s a “wild” girl that likes to be “spontaneous.” I like to use quotes. Hi, Sometimes you have to see what will happen is an excellant attitude. Not really sure how I survived childhood without being completely maimed, but I managed. How do you choose where you want to travel to? I prefer the “spin […]