online dating letter #62 

Every time she moves she wants to find she has less stuff. Hi, I think it would be great if moving vans drove all, or most, of my possessions off of a cliff. A couple of years ago I went traveling for a few months. One of my brothers was kind enough to store a […]

online dating letter #61 

She owned a kazoo and has undefined goals. Hi, Vagueness around goals is the best approach. Maybe. I have concrete goals and others are amorphous blobs that are squishy between my toes. I should change my socks. What color is your kazoo? Cheers, Anthony It was a weird message. I get it.

online dating letter #60 

She rated me 5 out of 5 stars. That’s pretty good, right? She also liked to travel and eat new things. Hi, Where are you traveling to and what are you eating there? Sometimes it can go sideways. The Japanese giggled as they fed me some sort of salted, gelatinous thing that might have been […]

online dating letter #59 

She wrote that she has traveled a lot. Bet she’s never been to Tonga. I’ve been to Tonga. I only went to prove a point. It was silly. Hi, I’ve traveled all over as well. My memories seem to center on food and places I’ve woken up. Once I woke up next to Eddie Van […]

What women are thinking about 

The number crunchers were at it again. This analysis breaks down what women state they are thinking about according to their online dating profiles. Based on our analysis of over 2 billion online dating profiles I think we can conclude that a high percentage of women are anemic. The symptoms are all present:ย fatigue, hunger and […]