online dating letter #58 

She’s into sci-fi and likes to talk a lot. Hi, I don’t mind endless babble as long as you don’t mind that I’ll turn your babble into jokes that will be forced down the throat of unsuspecting tourists. I need more robot jokes. I only have one. Cheers, Anthony That was an honest warning. I […]

online dating letter #57 

She can speak Sanskrit. I didn’t even know that was possible. Hi, Why would you be able to speak Sanskrit? Even the ability to speak it poorly is speaking it too much. Was it a yoga class that went on too long? Did Beatles lyrics like, “I am the Walrus” drive you to move to […]

online dating letter #56 

She lamented having never seen “It’s a wonderful life”. Hi, I surprised myself the other day. My local laundromat hides mirrors above the dryers. I didn’t expect to see myself there. I startled. Not seeing “It’s a wonderful life” should be a point of pride. My parents forced me to watch it every year at […]

online dating letter #55 

She spends too much time behind a desk and wants to know how to fix her car. She also wonders what people do right before they go to bed. Hi, What kind of desk are you spending too much time behind? A great big mahogany desk with a green felt blotter and executive stress release […]

online dating letter #54 

She wrote of flying dreams and wanting to run away. Hi, I’m jealous. I’ve rarely had flying dreams. Maybe a dozen that I can remember. One semester in college I had incredibly vivid dreams where I would wake up, shower, go to class, go to another class, eat and then come back home. Waking up […]