online dating letter #45 

She wrote that she was apparently hanging around NYC. Hi, What’s not apparent about hanging around NYC? Or are you not actually do such things or lack of things as hanging out would consist of? Are you really just one of those people from Kyrgyzstan that send me strange messages on this thing? Am I […]

online dating letter #44 

She contacted me first. Said that I was funny then a bug flew into her cheek. On her profile she wrote that she is an open book with a page missing. Hi, We’d get along great. Then I’d make an inappropriate joke (inappropriate jokes are a myth like gravity. It’s not an invisible force that […]

online dating letter #43 

She was convinced that she could perform medical operations because she watches a lot of ER. Hi, I am beyond mockable. Mockable? Yes, nothing about me is less than perfect except for those things that you’ll ignore. I know the difference between your and you’re and yugoslavia. It’s (Or is it its? What is it? This is […]

online dating letter #42 

I knew she lived too far away to make it work, but it’s the Internet. Hi, Being afraid of heights is a good thing. I’m afraid of them too. To deal with this I strapped myself to a German man and ran off a cliff. I expected gravity to take over but a hang glider […]

online dating letter #41 

This message highlighted that I am worldly and care about small animals. Hi, Why are all dogs in Havana dressed in button down shirts? I noticed this when I was there about 12 years ago. On every corner was a tiny dog wearing a freshly pressed shirt. When I line up to take a picture the dogs would shift […]