top 5 online dating lies 

The number crunching super computers here at OK Stupid have been hard at work. After extensive analysis here the top 5 lies people list on their online profiles. Really outgoing Umm… if you are, why are you hiding out online? Religion and laughing about it If you list your religion, but try to downplay it […]

online dating intro letter #6 

She wants a relationship with a grown up. Can you get that on the Internet? Howdy, I’m not afraid of being a grown up but many grown ups scare me. They confuse being a grown up with an obsession to talk about traffic. It happened to me once. I refused to acknowledge myself for a […]

I got a response. And I blew it. 

She mentioned how she wanted to be contacted by someone that could fold a fitted sheet. Hi, I can fold a fitted sheet, but the folds are exceptionally tiny, random and require a suspension of disbelief. On the bright side I believe that The Time Bandits is a truly glorious, sticky movie that warped my […]

online dating versus crystal meth 

Last week we examined the social acceptability of Online Dating versus The Dave Matthews Band. You our, bored with your life, readers asked for more comparisons. Today we compare the social acceptiblity of Online Dating versus Crystal Meth usage. In order to make the chart more applicable to the new variable, Crystal Meth, the y-axis […]

online dating intro letter #16 

In her profile she mentioned that her favorite foods were Italian and sushi. Hi, It’s a little known fact but the Italians invented sushi. Invent might be too strong of a word. Laziness might be more appropriate. Or Tony probably pissed off his wife and she refused to cook the fish he caught for her. […]