419 is a joke in your town 

She plans 419 scams, dreams of counterfeiting, likes Grolsch beer and gets upset at infanticide. No wonder we’re a 98% match. Hi, The International Money Bank of Nigera has locked up my funds. I can use your help in helping the release of these funds ($1.00.000EU). The funds are to prevent the arson and infanticide cult […]

when she’s dictator 

She thinks about being dictator of New York City and what Subway rules she’ll enforce. Hi, I think my first rule for the subway would be no performing on the subway when I’m reading. Performances are allowed when I am not reading but should not contain the following: a language I do not understand. Including […]

another potential quitter 

She spends a lot of time thinking how to quit her jobs. I spend a lot of time thinking about the reactions people have when they receive one of these missives. Hi, I run a class at the Learning Annex called, “How to quit all your jobs in 7 weeks.” It’s a prerequisite to my […]

The end of the world 

She spends a lot of time thinking about how the world will end. That’s depressing but she looks really cute. Hi, Anyone that quotes Carlin is OK in my book. It’s a short book. More of just a page. A page that says, “Anyone that quotes Carlin is OK.” I think access to potable water […]

hair removal 

She says she lives for, oh just read it. Hi, I’m glad you live for hair removal because I need another set of hands for some of the ones in my ear. Don’t judge me. Awkward start? Cheers, Anthony You try removing ear hair on your own. My depth perception gets all cloudy.