A reverse engineering of match percentage calculations 

Everyone is scored according to some mystery math – Credit scores, Search Algorithms and Mating Match percentage. Everyone is calculated inside a hidden box. The Math Junkies at OK Stupid have reversed engineered one of the more popular online dating algorithms. You’ll never trust math again. The Variables: d, distance from potential mate a, age […]

More on my obsession with eating 

She likes to bake and gets creeped out by silent profile lurkers. Hi, I need to add a requirement that my matches need to be excellant bakers. In a former life I think I was a food taster for some royal court. It might have killed me but I’m sure it was the best job […]


She doesn’t like the word “selfie”. Hi, I agree with your disdain for the word “selfie”. It sounds like a drug one takes in order to take advantage of, well, themselves. As in, “Killer night bro. No chicks. Went home and gave myself a selfie. Woke up and my clothes were on backwards.” Are you […]

landlord helper 

She wishes her landlord would be more responsive. Hi, Here are my suggestions to motivate your landlord: Claim you have rats. Once they come over to fix that problem mention that you noticed the bathroom sink leaks. Tell them you no longer believe in locking common area doors because it impedes the flow of chi. […]

Awkward, Date #5 

“You’re making this awkward.” This was how the date ended. It was the 11th of September and we agreed to meet at a cocktail bar. I arrived first, sat at the bar and looked through the menu. The bartender was your typical neo-Brooklyn-ite – a slight Ohio accent, facial hair that only made sense in […]